Technology at the service of tradition: The best of two worlds

Posted by Cutting Edge Cultures on 2023 Apr 6th

Technology at the service of tradition: The best of two worlds

There's no better time to start fermenting foods at home than now.

While small-scale fermentation has been around for millennia, modern technology makes fermentation much easier.

Back in the distant past, nomadic tribes roaming the plains of Eurasia would carry animal skin pouches filled with milk as a method of clabbering milk into something akin to yogurt or kefir. 

Fast forward to the 21st century, where yogurt makers and glass jars abound, and we'll agree that contemporary yogurt making is much more pleasant than carrying milk in pouches of animal skin.

Let's look at a another scenario: You plan to make nourishing probiotic yogurt but can't find a quality starter culture. 

What do you do?

That's easy. You order it online

When it comes to accessibility and convenience, the internet is epic. No need to leave the house. All you need is an internet connection. 

In addition, your order will be shipped directly to your door. How great is that?

Our company, Cutting Edge Cultures, is happy to answer the growing demand for accessible quality fermentation starter cultures. We are an online store specializing in fermentation starter cultures for home use, to help you make a range of extraordinary, nutritious, homemade fermented foods.

Our vision is that fermentation should be accessible to everyone. 

As an online store, we're always open. 

Want to shop on our online store on weekends? Holidays? At night? At dawn? No problem. We're open.  

Want to shop from your living room? Your office? The back garden? The seaside? No problem. We're accessible from anywhere.

No more barriers between you and a great fermentation!

I you want to ferment, we're here!