Affordability, accessibility, and immunity. How do we fare?

Posted by Cutting Edge Cultures on 2023 Mar 20th

Affordability, accessibility, and immunity. How do we fare?

According to a recent survey, consumers will prioritize affordability over immune health when shopping for food this coming year. 

The survey by Pollock Communications and Today's Dietitian predicts that consumers will be looking for foods and beverages* that: 

  1. Are affordable and value-based (70.4%)
  2. Are easily accessible and convenient (59.1%)
  3. Support immunity (57.6%)

Our company, Cutting Edge Cultures, adheres to all these principles. 

Let's break this down.

  1. Affordability and value-based: Our starters are inexpensive and will last you a while, offering great value for your dollar. Once you’ve made a ferment using one of our starters, you can use some of it to culture your next batch. This can be repeated several times over. There are 4 sachets in each pouch of our starter cultures, allowing you to multiply these cycles by 4. You don't need to reorder our starters often. You will still need to get the staple that you are going to ferment, like milk, but one large milk carton will produce quite a few yogurt pots/kefir bottles. From time to time we offer special deals. Check out our product page for our current offers. 
  2. Accessibility and convenience: Our products are accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere. We are an online store and we're always open. All you need is an internet connection. Your order will be shipped directly to your door. 
  3. Immune support: Our company specializes in fermentation starter cultures for home use to help you make a range of extraordinary homemade fermented foods that support health and wellness. Our starters include probiotic yogurt, fermented vegetables, probiotic beverages, dairy kefir, L. Reuteir Superfood, and L. Gasseri Superfood. 

See all our starters

* quoted from original
