Fizzzzz! (and other Kefir Soda fun facts!)

Posted by Cutting Edge Cultures on 2023 Oct 4th

Fizzzzz! (and other Kefir Soda fun facts!)


Kefir Soda is a sparkling fermented probiotic beverage.

It's fun, simple to make, and wow, is it fizzy!

Kefir Soda is not available in the stores. You'll need to make it yourself with a Kefir Soda Starter and fruit juice or coconut water.

Fun facts!

  • There are no grains involved in the making of Kefir Soda. Our Kefir Soda Starter is a powder that dissolves in liquid and does not create grains at any stage.
  • You can save some of the resulting beverage to make your next bottle! Repeat this for as long as your bottles come out fizzy.
  • You can make larger quantities, starting at the 2nd batch.
  • Kefir Soda is a healthy alternative to store-bought sodas, without all the nasty additives and unhealthy added sugars.
  • The process will create powerful carbonation! Watch out when you open the bottle!
  • Kefir Soda is probiotic.
  • Have fun fermenting different combinations of juices. The peachy hue in the pictures is a mix of pineapple juice and berry juice, fermented together.
  • Fermentation is affected by the temperature in your house. Summer temperatures will accelerate fermentation (carbonation), while cooler temperatures will slow it down. Ideal temperatures are around 70-75°F. 
  • The flavor and overall feel may be similar to homemade kombucha or water kefir, but Kefir Soda is much easier to make! Just add powdered Kefir Soda Starter to fruit juice or coconut water, mix in some water, and let ferment for several days at room temperature.
  • Subsequent bottles will ferment in a day or two! (And possibly in less than a day in the summer)
  • During fermentation, beneficial bacteria and good yeasts in the Kefir Soda Starter consume most of the natural sugar from the juice and coconut water, converting it into effervescence and leaving only a hint of sweetness in the final beverage.

Learn more about Kefir Soda on our FAQs page

Get our Kefir Soda Starter here