Get creative with yogurt! (And win a prize!)

Posted by Cutting Edge Cultures on 2023 Apr 7th

Get creative with yogurt! (And win a prize!)

Plain yogurt is like a canvas. 

It's a white slate calling for a touch of color.

Our team set out to create inviting yogurt bowls based on plain homemade yogurt.

We had great fun emulating pictures from our website, and we're proud to share the results below.

Feeling inspired? Create your own healthy yogurt bowl!

We used probiotic yogurt made with our Yogurt Plus starter culture, but other cultured dairy would work too (L. Reuteri Superfood, L. Gasseri Superfood, sour cream, or even thick kefir).

Here are our team's creations! 

This picture inspired this: 

This picture  inspired this: 

This picture inspired this: 

This picture inspired this: 

And this picture  inspired this: 

And now we're launching a yogurt bowl contest!

Send us a picture of an appetizing yogurt bowl that you've made (to 

It doesn't need to be a replica of any of our pictures. These are just for inspiration. Have fun with it!

We'll randomly draw a winner from among the best pictures. The happy winner will receive a free Yogurt Plus starter, and we'll publish their winning picture on our website and social media. (By sending us a picture, you agree that we publish it)

A little note:
We cannot currently ship our starters outside the contiguous USA. If you live outside the contiguous USA, you are still welcome to send us a picture, but we won't be able to send you the starter culture.

The nutrient-dense, exquisite, healthy yogurt bowl that you've made is a prize all on its own!